Name: Dominique T

Company name: Kaizen BVBA

Address: Grote Thems 39, 8490 Jabbeke, Belgium


Company number: BE 0887569103

VAT: BE 0887569103

Terms of use

The following terms of use apply to the use of and are intended to protect every user of this website.

By accessing the website, the user agrees to these terms of use, all associated laws and regulations and their compliance. In case of objection, the user is prohibited from visiting the website. All contributions to this website are protected by copyright.

User License
The temporary downloading of contributions from this website is not permitted for non-commercial private use. This is a licensing, but not a transfer of ownership. The following points are not allowed under the license:

Change or copy contributions
Use of contributions for commercial purposes or public reproduction (commercial / non-commercial)
Attempts to decompile or rewrite software
Remove copyright or other legally protected names
Transferring contributions and other material to third parties or mirroring contributions on other servers.
Applicable law
The terms of use listed here are subject to Belgian law. Each user irrevocably falls under the exclusive competence of the Belgian jurisdiction.

Kaizen BVBA is authorized to change the terms of use at any time without prior notice. By using this website, the user agrees to the current conditions.

® Kaizen, All rights reserved.